Good things take time…Do you believe this?

Kiran Tandon
2 min readJul 21, 2023
image credit: peakpx

The concept that “Good things take time” is widespread and deeply rings true for me. The underlying message is that time, effort, and persistence are frequently necessary to achieve something truly great. The following are some of the reasons why I adhere to this adage:

Most of us have reasonable expectations because we know that making big changes or achieving big goals takes time. Developing oneself, advancing one’s profession, and forging meaningful connections all need time and work.

Perseverance and resilience: The knowledge that progress is slow but steady is a powerful motivator in the face of adversity. This outlook encourages tenacity and the pursuit of success despite setbacks.

I hold this philosophy and I am less concerned with speed and more with doing a good job. I know that hurrying something can result in mediocre results, while taking time can yield a better, longer-lasting one.

Rather than focusing entirely on the destination, I take pleasure in the process of working toward my goals by remembering that good things take time. The act of maturing and expanding is gratifying to me.

The ability to be patient and wait for something is rewarded by this belief. I realize this and I am more willing to persist in my efforts, even if I don’t see instant results.

Impact over Time: Some projects call for a methodical approach to yield long-term and significant results. The development of solid infrastructure, proficiency, or interpersonal bonds typically calls for a more leisurely pace.

Experience tells me that some goals are beyond our reach and that there may be no shortcuts to long-term success. Waiting and working toward a goal frequently yield valuable life lessons.

Putting in long hours of focused effort to achieve a goal is a great character builder. It helps one develop traits like tenacity, self-control, and resolve.

The understanding that progress is gradual is a helpful reminder that success is more about the process than the end result. Some people may believe that overnight success is possible, but the idea that lasting change takes time and work is engrained in the minds of many.



Kiran Tandon

Remote Business Coach I I Changing lives and creating impact I Author I101 Most Fabulous HR Leaders (India)