Working Flexibly: A Reasonable Approach to Thriving

Kiran Tandon
4 min readOct 24, 2023
Photo by Antoni Shkraba

In a world where the traditional 9-to-5 work model is no longer the sole definition of productivity, flexibility has become a buzzword in the professional sphere. But let’s set the record straight from the start — working flexibly doesn’t mean you’re work shy. It’s a lifestyle choice that doesn’t equate to laziness, but rather a desire to balance personal and professional growth in a way that makes sense for you. In this article, we’ll debunk some common misconceptions about flexible work and explore why it’s a reasonable choice for those who seek a harmonious work-life balance.

  1. Dispelling the Myths

🏙️ It doesn’t mean you hate going into the office

Working flexibly doesn’t imply that you despise the office environment. In fact, many flexible workers appreciate the office as a place for collaboration and face-to-face interactions. It’s not about avoiding the office but having the choice to work where it suits you best.

🤑 It doesn’t mean you’re working multiple jobs

Flexibility doesn’t equate to overcommitment. It’s about optimizing your work hours and environment for maximum efficiency, not juggling numerous jobs simultaneously. A single, focused job can also be approached flexibly.

🏆 It doesn’t mean you don’t value your work

Flexibility isn’t a sign of disregard for your job. In fact, it can be the opposite. It allows you to structure your work in a way that aligns with your values and goals, often leading to increased job satisfaction.

📺 It doesn’t mean you’re watching Netflix

While flexible work lets you decide where you work, it doesn’t mean you’re binge-watching your favorite TV shows during work hours. In fact, the freedom it provides often leads to better focus on tasks.

🤝 It doesn’t mean you’re less committed

Flexibility doesn’t signify a lack of commitment. Rather, it’s a sign of adaptability and dedication to your work. Many flexible workers are highly committed to their projects and teams.

❄️ It doesn’t mean you’re a snowflake

Choosing flexible work doesn’t make you overly sensitive or fragile. It’s about recognizing that one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to work, and opting for an approach that suits your individual needs.

👑 It doesn’t mean you’re entitled

Flexibility isn’t a sense of entitlement; it’s a pursuit of balance. It’s about asserting your right to work in a way that allows you to excel in both your personal and professional life.

🥱 It doesn’t mean you’re lazy

Contrary to popular belief, flexibility doesn’t mean you’re lethargic. It’s about optimizing your work schedule to ensure you’re at your most productive, not avoiding work altogether.

2. The Reasonable Path to Thriving

Working flexibly can be a path to personal and professional growth. It empowers you to structure your workday according to your most productive hours, eliminating the constraints of a rigid schedule.

Finding Your Flow

Flexibility enables you to find your flow — that magical state where your productivity soars. Whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, flexible work lets you capitalize on your peak performance times.

Reducing Commute Stress

One of the significant benefits of flexible work is the reduction in commute-related stress. Instead of spending hours in traffic, you can invest that time in meaningful work or leisure activities.

Work-Life Balance

Balancing work and life is crucial for overall well-being. Flexible work allows you to attend to personal matters, family, and leisure without sacrificing your career ambitions.

Greater Productivity

Studies have shown that flexible workers are often more productive. The absence of a fixed office environment can lead to fewer distractions and increased focus on tasks at hand.

3. Addressing the Skeptics

While working flexibly has its advantages, it’s not without its skeptics. They often question its effectiveness, suggesting it might lead to a lack of discipline. However, the key is setting clear boundaries and maintaining a dedicated workspace at home, ensuring you can remain productive.

4. Conclusion: Thrive on Your Terms

In conclusion, working flexibly isn’t a sign of work shyness or a lack of commitment. It’s a choice made by reasonable individuals who prioritize their well-being while excelling in their careers. By embracing flexibility, you can find your unique path to thriving personally and professionally. So, the next time someone raises an eyebrow at your flexible work arrangement, confidently say that you’re making a reasonable choice — a choice that allows you to work in a way that suits you best.

Remember, flexibility isn’t about avoiding work; it’s about optimizing it. It’s a path to success, not a shortcut to laziness. Embrace it, and you’ll find yourself on the road to both personal and professional fulfillment.

In the words of the great Albert Einstein, “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.And in the realm of work, flexibility might just be the pedal you need to keep moving forward.



Kiran Tandon

Remote Business Coach I I Changing lives and creating impact I Author I101 Most Fabulous HR Leaders (India)